Hey 👋
Today I'd love to your bank of easy activities for those soon to be here wet weather lunches. I've been there, those days are long and the kids need to burn their energy but you can't get outside.
Flash back to a huge hailstorm we had at school a few years ago (of course it happened right in the middle of an engaging mat session!)

Now I am not at all against giving some screen time when the weather outside is awful (and you need 5 minutes to sprint to the toilet and inhale your lunch). But, as the cooler weather creeps in we are due for a lot of indoor lunch and recess breaks and screen time can only get you so far!
Keep the kids engaged and burning some energy with these fun (and low prep) activities:

Enjoy these free boggle boards I created to get your students creativity flowing! To make them last longer laminate them or pop them into SmartPALS.
Cup Towers
What a fun STEM activity! All of your students will love trying to build high towers using cups (and popsticks if you have some handy!). Set a challenge to see who can build the highest tower with 30 cups, or who can build the most interesting structure. You’ll love what they come up with.

Free Drawing

Balloon bounce
I am a huge fan of Kagan cooperative learning strategies having done the training myself about 6 years ago – it is fabulous and I highly recommend it if you can! This game is a fun and easy one which my students (of all ages) have always loved. All you need is a handful of balloons 🎈

What's your go-to wet weather recess activity?
May your coffee be strong on those long wet weather days!
Big love,
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