Teacher Merit Stickers
Warning: Do not stick these on ANY student work (unless you want to be put on probation).
Ever had one of those days when you just wish someone would pat you on the back for getting through the school day (relatively) unscathed? To hear a supportive ‘Onya, mate!’ for not stuffing up the photocopier (again) or pulling a lesson out of your ass professional teaching repertoire at the last minute (also again)?
Yep, we have. We see you, teachers of Australia – and we’re here to give you the merit sticker you deserve but probably shouldn’t wear on your shirt on playground duty.
With four (4) sheets featuring 80 loud 'n proud statements that embody #TeacherLife, these giggle-inducing stickers are the perfect gift for your teaching partner, Work Wife/Hubby, or even just for yourself.
Printed in Zivia’s iconic bright colours – with a few foil gold ones for those *extra* special accomplishments – these cheeky stickers will brighten up any page of your planner while putting a smile on your dial!
Perfect for: Any teacher with a sense of humour. (Seriously.)
Pro tip: Buy two sets and create the ultimate ‘School Year Bingo Card’ to share with your teaching partner/work BFF and see who can get a line of *milestones* first! (Just don’t let your Principal find it.)
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